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Old October 30th, 2007, 04:09 AM
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Default Re: REALLY hard to hit units counter

Well, I guess then, you actually have a quintuple bless, although the blood and astral don't do you much good (from a Jarl standpoint). Still, you have regeneration and invigoration (from the Nature and the Earth), so yeah, your Jarls should be good to go. Bless them, and send those tanks in.

I believe the standard Double Bless for Nief is N9, E4 or W4, to give them nasty regeneration, good invigoration (for long fights), or boosted defense. They can cast Quicken Self on themselves easy enough, so no need for a heavy Water bless. Sounds like you have a workable configuration though.

I know "beat them to death" sounds kind of primitive, but really, that's what Jarl's do. They just beat the snot out of anything that comes at them. They are probably second only to Tartarians in their Super Combatant abilities.

You are at a disadvantage fighting cold resistant troops though. Much of a Jarl's advantage comes from freezing the enemy. Still... you should be able to beat them. Maybe spam some undead early to take the lance charge.
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