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Old October 31st, 2007, 12:00 AM

HJFudge HJFudge is offline
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Default Re: Q: How many Forts do you build? How many Templ

I know I am new so this is more of a question on if what I do is sound strategy then advice...

What I like to do in the SP games Ive been playing is to find any chokepoints. If there are, I'll use my initial army to get there in 2-3 turns and build up a second army at my base to take points around my fort. If there arent really any I'll just expand around my fort to get more resource income so I can make more guys.

I get my 2nd fort either at a chokepoint or just behind it and keep my army at the chokepoint. I will build temples at chokepoints too even if I dont have a fort there because, honestly, my army is gonna be there and if I am expanding out of my fort I wont really need to defend the territory because I will be taking all adjacent ones and hitting the enemy hard. Yeah it sucks 400 bucks worth if they are able to break through but I play MA C'tis, and the dominion spread also makes swamp and heat and I find the harm that does to the enemy nations around it more than makes up for any risk.

It's a valuable 'cold war' type weapon because I dont have to actually attack to damage the enemy. Who wants an army thats all diseased?

Take it or leave it I dont know if thats actually good strategy.
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