Re: Q: How many Forts do you build? How many Templ
Disclaimer: SP only.
I'm a hardcore temple spammer. Every province gets a temple if I can afford it. If I can't afford it, then I'll save up my gold and buy it.
I enjoy playing races that really depend on their dominion. My current game is Niefelheim, for example. Sure, I can always cast Wolven Winter to pave the way for my giants ... but it's more convenient to have a Cold-3 dominion waiting for me.
Also, lots of other effects are tied to dominion strength. Gift of Health is one example. Fight in my own dominion, get a HP bonus. What's not to like?
Finally, I suck at fighting water nations from the land. So my preferred strategy is to seize all of the land around the target water nation, then load up with temples and cheap indy priests. Preach the buggers to death.
"My name is Jim, and I'm addicted to temple-spamming."