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Old November 1st, 2007, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: Is it possible to mod the arena challenge out?

WonderLlama said:
I don't know for a fact this works. Just speculation. I have played games with no deathmatches. And games with lots of them. It seems to me the game always zooms in on a province when you replay a deathmatch battle. In some games it's always the same, in others it moves around. I got the impression it took place in provinces with the Arena site.

So if that's correct, you may be able to disable it by modding the Arena site to frequency 5 (or whatever the frequency is that doesn't show up randomly).
An official response would be great because removing the deathmatch would be very useful. The deathmatch definitely hurts the AI... especially its pretenders.

I would definitely use this mod if it became available.
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