Re: Noob, needs advice please
Hopefully this isn't hijacking the thread or that,
I usually play the Nefelheim, with the Beholder Pretender (mod)
Assuming I'm playing a 120 land areas, with 30 ocean areas map, Early ages.
What would sum good (vulnerable/weak) opponents be?
I figure with me having a high dominion, the Abyssia would be weaker because they like heat,
Strong dominion (with cold 3pts) makes the my land & the surrounding provinces colder, weakening them
& Ermor don't look to stong.
For Ocean going I choose Oceania, becuase their magic is crippled on land, but in the ocean they are above average.
P.S the Glamor ability, does that really help during battles?
I just don't see how it would help.