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Old November 1st, 2007, 07:57 PM
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OmikronWarrior OmikronWarrior is offline
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Default Re: Noob, needs advice please

Big N invading Abysia is a BAD investment, usually. If we're talking early game, that means fighting them on their dominion, and your best units (neifle giants and jarls) get substantial stat penalties in hot lands. Of course, if we're talking AI, then the chances are they'll be poorly played.

As for Glamour, its a huge bonus in combat. On the field Glamour translates into "mirror image", which means for every additional immage, a soldier might hit the fake one instead of the real unit. Adds a lot to the defense and survivability of units. Though the real advantage of glamor is the stealth and (in MP) not showing up on the tactical map.
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