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Old November 5th, 2007, 07:05 PM

IndyPendant IndyPendant is offline
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Default Re: Invisible Swarm 2 - recruiting

As R'lyeh, I have taken two (neutral) land provinces for scout production and later spellcasting--and unintentionally, one of those provinces ended up neighbouring Ermor's capitol. As a result, and as an attempt to avoid immediate hostilities ; ), I have PM'd him offering an exchange of provinces; I take a similar province of his farther away from his capitol, and he takes the province I conquered. I...*think* he has agreed to the exchange; his response to me indicated he would be taking the province I conquered, and I can't see how he could have mistaken my PM to be offering anything except an exchange. I have PM'd him again to clarify he understands exactly what the offer is, just in case.

I am just announcing this publicly as a precaution, to prevent misunderstandings and accusations later--particularly with that no-attacking-for-10-turns houserule we have going in this game. : )

Ermor, you have at least six hours before I am able to get home and complete my turn, to change our agreement if this is somehow not your understanding.
MP Guide to MA Ermor
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