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Old November 6th, 2007, 05:40 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Q about blessings

1) yes. Great for mages. nice, but only so-so for melee.

2)W9 gets you the extra attack every other round. The lesser water bless gives you up to +4 def.
So it's not actually the same as the quickness spell. Stacks with it though.
The extra attack doesn't show up as an icon or anything. You do get more APs which is really what counts.

3)Berserk +2: adds 2 to str, att and prot, subtracts 2 from def when you go berserk.

And just in case you don't already know: the standard neifelheim bless is E9N6 (or 4) Reinvig, protection and regen. Keeps them going long enough for the cold to work.
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