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Old November 6th, 2007, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Q about blessings

Taking a W9 bless is probably not the best option for Big N. Most players will instead recommend a Earth or Nature Bless. Personally, I don't think the high bonuses (+4 protection and +2 beserk) are worth the pretender points. My "package" is usually a 4W, 6E, and 6N plus some other magic paths more for diversity then bless. Remember, you aren't just building Neifle giants Neifle Jarl thugs. Combine this bless with just a few items such as messenger boots and a sword of swiftness and cast quicken self and you have an instant thug capable of defeating any amount of PD (in the cold). This is where the Earth bless is really beneficial. And with so many HP their units get a lot of benefit from a regen bless.

Just keep in mind you can't have everything, a double high bless, positive scales, and an awake pretender. Heck, usually its choose one of three with various degrees of "lesser" options.

P.S. When you're playing Neifle 3, ALWAYS go cold-3. Thats how giants prefer it and it will hurt your income with anything else. I also would rather have growth then production.
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