I'm glad the map is being well received so far. The resolution/resizing issue was a problem at first

and my thanks are to Panpiper for being so forthcoming about it.
As an update on the map, I have been working on the adventure version, setting up legendary figures like Mannfred von Carstein and Balthasar Gelt for you all to knock down. Major provinces (like Altdorf, Khemri, Zharr Nagrund, etc.) will feature very difficult defending armies led by unique and fiction-appropriate heroes with indy forts and at least three thematic magic sites (drawn from the stock list) some of which will permit special summons. Population types will be geared so that controlling the provinces belonging to specific races the Warhammer fiction will give you access to basic Dominions troop types of that sort. Control the Southlands jungles, for example, and you'll be able to suplement your forces with reptilians. Overrun the Chaos wastes and you'll be able to draft barbarians and demons.
In this strain, I will happily accept requests from anyone for the inclusion of particular characters, armies, or the like in the adventure version. My knowledge and references of the Warhammer World are sufficient to the task of filling the map with very special indy provinces, but I'd hate to leave out someone's favorite nemesis from this far more characterful version.
Also, if anyone catches any snags in the map or my spelling of province names while playing on the map, please let me know.