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Old November 8th, 2007, 03:44 PM

Panpiper Panpiper is offline
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Default Re: World of Warhammer - Released!

I am super excited about the prospect of your adventure map, Zepath. I expect I will be weeks exploring it from the perspective of numerous races. Here follows random thoughts;

While I have little experience with the Warhammer Role Playing Game (I read much of the book, just never played), I have some experience with Warhammer Fantasy Battle and vast experience (albeit, ten years out of date now) with their figurine line (I sold them for ten years). I am not a fan of their battle rules system, however the mythology they've created for their universe is nothing short of fantastic. I am especially enamoured of 'Chaos'.

I would really like to see the north and south poles truly representative of the horror of the chaos spilling from the vortices. I expect this is likely not possible without someone building some race mods, either one each for the four chaos powers; Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, & Slaanesh or perhaps just two, one for each pole, each representing two of the powers, Khorne & Nurgle sharing one vortex and Tzeentch & Slaanesh sharing the other. If they share the poles, their starting positions could be the vortex itself with appropriate startsites. If they are four separate races, then they would effectively be fighting over possession of the vortices and so their positioning should reflect their natural hostilities; Nurgle vs. Tzeentch, and Khorne vs. Slaanesh. In this case the vortices need to be something truly worth fighting over and yet, terrible places to actually be. Combine for instance "The Vale of Infinite Horror" with "Throne of the World" and a couple other powerful thematic sites.

Of course this would need the attention of a talented race modder. Sombre has been building some Warhammer races. I wonder if he has given any thought to Chaos and how such races might be handled. Amos released a couple of interesting mods "Horror Scourge" and "Chaos Wars" that are at least somewhat evocative of Warhammer chaos. (All of Amos' mods are interesting, these two are just closest to actual Warhammer Chaos.) I wonder if Amos is following this thread and whether he would be interested. My guess is Sombre has so many other Warhammer races to tackle... ;-) Of course Zepath himself is no slouch as a race modder, but he's likely already overwhelmed by the adventure map work.

The question of how to deal with chaos mutations and chaos artifacts is also rather daunting. I do not know if there is any provision within the game engine for random (or otherwise) changes in units. Then there is the problem of the current engine having a rather restrictive number of new races and graphics that can be included in any game. I wonder if Kristoffer O. is still following this and if he could give us any indication if these current limits will be lifted or relaxed any time soon.

I am tempted to volunteer myself to help with mod work, but my skills haven't progressed much further than hacking other people's mods. I do have at least one potentially interesting idea for a race mod that might some day see fruition, but I am waiting on DrPraetorious' "Custom Army Design System" to be a bit more fleshed out, as I am notoriously incapable of creating balance without some system to guide me.

Hmm... Maybe I could release a race mod and let the more experienced folks out there vote on what the gold/resource costs should be for the units? I venture off topic. Thanks for putting up with my musings. And huge thanks to all those named in this post for everything they do and have done to make my life more enjoyable.
Chaos Undivided Race Mod
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