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Old November 8th, 2007, 09:29 PM
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Default RAND Game - Fomoria Wins!


This is a RAND game. "RAND" stands for random nations, anonymous, no-diplomacy. In other words, nations have been randomly assigned to players who are bound by the game rules to keep their identity secret from all other parties, except the host (me). No diplomacy is allowed. Player ID's will be revealed as they are defeated. This is a fun twist on the usual game, and it was popular in the Dom2 days.

This is a PBEM game (that is, Play By Email).

The Settings:

Map: Orania
Victory Condition: Victory Points. One point in each player capital. Must have 9 (50%) to win.
Era: Early
Conceptual Balance Mod 1.1 (Pretenders & Scales portions only)
Worthy Heroes Mod 1.8
Indies 7
Site Frequency 50
Money 100
Resources/Supplies 100
Random events common
Score Graphs on
Hall of Fame 15
Standard Research
Renaming Off

Hosting schedule: Daily turns through Turn 15, and then switch to a Sunday / Tuesday / Thursday schedule. Deadlines will generally be at 9:00 p.m. Boston time.

Here is a link re Boston Time for your convenience. Boston Time

List of Players:

1. Jurri - Ulm
2. CUnknown - Arco
3. Alneyan - Maverni (Dead turn 15)
4. Meglobob - Replaced by Shmonk, turn 45 - Sauro
5. Wraithlord - Tien Chi
6. Ygorl - Mictlan (Dead turn 28)
7. Quantum Mechani- Abysia
8. Cainehill - Caelum (Dead turn 47)
9. DonCorazon - C'Tis (Dead turn 42)
10. Shmonk - Pangaea (Dead turn 19)
11. HJFudge - Agartha (Gone AI turn 30)
12. Agrajag - Tir na n'Og (Dead turn 29)
13. Micah - Fomoria (Winner)
14. Sir_Dr_D - Vanheim (Gone AI turn 39)
15. Zeldor - Atlantis (revealed turn 8 / went AI)
16. Calmon - Oceania
17. Zaramis - Lanka (went AI approx. turn 10)
18. Amhazair - Yomi

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/PointRight.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/PointRight.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/PointRight.gif[/img] Start Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 9:00 pm Boston Time.

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