Welcome DonCorazon, LP, Aethyr, and Aezeal.
DonCorazon: I wouldn't worry too much about what nation you choose. Just review the various choices and then choose the ones that make the "cool light" go on.
Lazy_Perfectionist: It would be *great* if you'd play!

There is a chance that we won't be able to start this weekend because we're waiting on Quantum_Mechani to update the Conceptual Balance mod for 3.10. Also, we might not have 17 players quickly enough.
Aethyr: You got a slot! You're welcome to PM me your preferences or post them here. I will also send you my email address via PM.
Aezeal: The Worthy Heroes mod simply tweaks the national heroes a little so that the heroes are "mucho funner and specialer". It is not a huge change, and I would not alter your pretender design because of it. Glad you'll be joining us.