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Old November 9th, 2007, 12:05 PM

Lord_Bob Lord_Bob is offline
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Default I\'m going to stop after this one post, but I think

it's important to point this out.

If you only walk away with one sentence, then I want everyone to remember this:
In a game as complicated and detailed as Dominions, there will be glitches. Will be.

The fact that only two people have made such a relatively glitch-free game is amazing. Notice I didn't say glitch-free, because that would make them some sort of Demi-Gods. It would be impossible. Math people can now jump on this and say that a 0.00001% chance isn't "impossible".

I do like this game. Which is why I am so upset that some trivial feature is so broken that it causes several races to lose automatically. However, that's not important. What is important is your reaction to my statements.

1.Very, very few of you have attempted to say I am wrong because Bandar loses for other reasons. Obviously, you could have said that the monkeys lose because they have MR 8 and Morale 9 below the Bandar. Or that this "missile weapon" race actually has inferior missile weapons. Only when a race is horrifically broken is the general consensus of "everything balanced" broken. Many people become excessively upset when a glaring problem is pointed out. Glitches exist. Some are simple to fix. Bumping up PD takes a few hours to fix ALL races.

2.No one here believes that giving Bandar some Vanaria Chackram throwers and a few Vanaria Warriors is going to make them "unstoppable". Few believe that Patala isn't "below average", as polls consistently point out. Thus, none of you actually have any reason to be upset with a buffing of Bandar PD. Who cares? I care because I want to play them, but why do you care about "facing off" against Bandar with good PD? Do any of you actually believe that would make them unstoppable? Why even bother getting worked up about it?
Why are you upset about it?

3.I am not seeking "perfect balance" or even "balance". I just want trivial features to not scramble my whole game.

You can not buy junk units.
You can not cast junk spells.
You CAN substitute Junk PD with Fliers or Raiders or Undead garrison. However, if you don't have those, YOU ARE STUCK WITH LOUSY PD