Taqwus said:
It would not surprise me too much if this one were linked to scales -- ex. being more likely if you have magic, death and misfortune or some wacky combination like that, and extremely rare otherwise.
Kristoffer O said:
Rare events:
Trogs with order 1 or lower
Vampire with magic 1
Villains if you have less then 20 units
Bogus, if not in the game already
Ronin if era 3
Ermor attack max 5 dom
Marignon attack ermor
Hydra with heat 0+, swamp
Trolls in mountains
Ancient precense, no precense on the map, forest, growth 0+
Evil frost druid with cold 2 and forest
Pangaea worship with growth 3 and forest
Scorpion beasts in waste
I think it's safe to say this is a bad event & therefore misfortune will increase the odds of it appearing.
Do the Ermor, Marigon and Pangaea attacks have those troops alligned with those specific nations during & after the battle or are they just independents?