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Old November 13th, 2007, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Evilhomer said:
Grrr. That pretender is really having a bit of luck with mind duel...
You think? How do you figure that? As far as I can see you marched 3 starpawn with 1 pearl each into my capitol, killed 2 minor astral mages with 2 of your duels, and then lost the one duel you had with my pretender, with your starspawn having one less astral than the Great Oroboros (Prince of Primeval Depths, yada, yada,ya...) Looks like a perfectly average result to me.

(Oh, and btw: Come in and face Oroborosses wrath if you dare! You great pussy, twiddling your thumbs and admiring the sights of the great city of Oceania from outside the walls... Phah! I spit on the grave of your snail-eating mother and fart in your general direction. Or something along those lines. (At least we would fart if we Oceanians weren't too civilised to engage in such conduct. ) )
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