Re: Grossly, insanely different PD strengths
I conquered T'ien Ch'i's capital a few turns ago. I'm still scared to send my main army into any of the provinces, because if I guess wrong and he has pumped the PD up, my main army, after the losses taking the capital, can't beat 50-60 T'ien Ch'i PD. In case you're wondering, that's:
50 Footmen
50 Composite Bow Archers
50 Light Horse with Composite Bow and Light Lance
30 Heavy Calvary with Composite Bow and Lance
I finally decided I have to rebuild my army and send mages into battle.... to take every single province. Either that or I risk the loss of my main army for no reason.
Note how I said I have to send my MAIN ARMY into every province.
And I need most of that main army guarding the provinces that he could raid, since my PD can't reliably stop four archers.