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Old November 14th, 2007, 04:54 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: Grossly, insanely different PD strengths

Chris_Byler wasn't being deliberately rude. It's just that we've all heard what you think many times, and think that there are two options from there:

1) Do nothing, since only a small fraction of the community agrees with you.
2) Make a mod that you, and those that agree with you, can use. It actually would not take very long - maybe half an hour. Certainly less time than all this posting has taken.

Further posting on the subject will not change anyone's opinions. We have all read your opinions, initially with interest, and then later with growing frustration as it became apparent that you were not taking other people's opinions on board or reading their posts properly. It also goes against forum etiquette to make so very many posts on the same issue. There is a good reason for this - if everyone (or even two or three more people) did it then the whole board would break down in a mire of pointless discussions.

I have to say I find your posts on other topics to be quite good. You just seem to have gone a bit wild on this one.
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