Thread: Guide Jotunheim MA Guide
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Old November 14th, 2007, 05:50 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim MA Guide

Cool write up. I haven't been inspired to take up the giants yet, I've got a couple questions/ideas.

sector24 said:
Moose Riders - Good
Moose Riders are interesting because they get 2 shortbow attacks and also have two melee attacks. However, they are more than twice as expensive as an independent archer. These units are too costly to use as standard ranged troops, but the one advantage they have is that they are stealthy. In a situation where the army needs to remain small, a single Moose Rider is the equivalent of two archers. In this extremely niche role they are excellent for their high hit points and multiple attacks.

I love the idea of the moose riders, but (in my extremely limited attempts) I haven't been able to make them cost effective. Seems like their large size counteracts their archer concentration and they're so expensive. Have you been able to wrangle some good use from them?

sector24 said:
Skratti - Great
These units are either Blood 2 Water 3 or Blood 3 Water 2. The Water 3 Skrattis can cast Wolven Winter to lower the temperature of provinces you intend to invade. In general, Skrattis are good offensive mages with Cold Bolt and Frozen Heart, and make decent thugs with Breath of Winter, Quicken Self and Cold Blast. The Blood 3 Skrattis are good for starting up your blood economy due to their 90% chance of finding slaves. Once you forge some dousing rods you can turn the blood hunting over to the Vaetti Hags while you summon Frost Fiends or forge equipment.

Seems like the Skratti has some good thugging potential to with being able to change into a giant werewolf. High HP & regeneration, cast Breath of winter, quicken self, - blood vengeance if you get real fancy. You can even use sabbath slave in conjunction with Gygjas casting communion master to get buffs ranging from luck to soul vortex onto your giant were-wolves. Haven't tried that out, but sounds pretty wicked in theory.

Seems like the giant have some pretty nice longdead, any particularly good way to leverage that?
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