Lord_Bob said:
Since you have access to what I wrote, why don't you quote it? I give you full permission. I think that would make my "persecution complex" quite clear to everyone. So go ahead.
I do not actually have access to direct quotes, I only have access to the impression another moderator expressed without directly quoting you. I thought that was obvious from my phrasing.
Lord_Bob said:
Specifically, the fact that Jazzepi thought it was okay to tell me to "Die in a river" for no reason at all. He knew you would be okay with this, because, you are, aren't you?
I actually managed to miss that one, since both this thread and the other multipage one are as big as they are. No, I'm not okay with what he said and he should not have done that. Frustrated as he might be with you, there was no call for him to say such a thing.
Lord_Bob said:
Oh, and Chris_Byler was being deliberately rude to.
I'd really like to know how Chris was being rude to you. He, like many others, are frustrated with how you have acted with regard to the PD issue, so he did not perhaps bother to coach his post in the most flowery language, but his core message is NOT rude.
It is a suggestion to make a PD mod to test out what would be useful, if you can improve things and see where it goes. Demand for such things is not guaranteed, but without trying, such things don't get made. Often when people have an issue with some aspect of the game, they see if they can mod it more to their liking. The CBM (Complete Balance Mod) is one example that adjusts nearly everything in the game.
The Better Independents mod is another one, I got tired and frustrated with always fighting the same nameless, faceless AI hordes composed of indie archers, militia, light infantry and barbarians with maybe 1% national troops mixed in and rarely any of the good quality independents. Sombre came up with the concept of No Independents (NI) maps due to a modding fluke, but I wanted a somewhat different solution, so I tried my hand at it and posted it here in case somebody else was also interested. I do not know just how popular it is, but I made it anyway without having any guarantees.
Chris's suggestion is very much along the same lines, but obviously laced with his frustration, which is fairly understandable.
Lord_Bob said:
You just have 100% tolerance for certain people who get to run around and get in everyone elses face. That's the way most message boards are run, so I don't expect any better from you.
I'd really like to see the evidence for the claim that I play favorites and abuse my power as a moderator. There are few things I like less than being baselessly accused of abuse of power. I can also assure you that any moderator here who does take it to his head to abuse users and his position as a moderator is not going to remain a moderator for very long. The administrators of the forum have absolutely no tolerance whatsoever for that sort of behavior and will throw such miscreants unceremoniously out on their arse. If you have any such evidence of wrongdoing on my part, please present it to
Mindi and
Annette so they can resolve the issue. If you're correct, they'll present you with my hide in a suitably singed condition.
My main function here is maintaining the bug shortlist stickied to the top of the forum and the other moderation duties are incidental. It may look like I jump in every thread since I generally have something to say about how the mechanics of Dominions 3 work because I know them pretty well, but actual moderating of user actions, that's rare. I do not particularly like doing it, but I will if the situation calls for it. These PD threads have caused a situation that calls for it. It should say something that
Ich and
Sombre, who are generally the models of patience with new people, have seriously considered putting you on an ignore list or already done so. They're some of the last people I'd have expected to do that.
In any case, I hope that this response can help you see just how this whole issue has developed and where it stands right now. As
llamabeast said, you have fine posts on other topics but this PD issue sends you into a frenzy for some reason.