Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players
Yeah, when it happens, it'll be a big one, and since he's not coming out, it's gonna be VERY disadvantageous to me when I eventually storm the fortress. I'm not seeing myself winning it, and if I do, it'll be because of crazy lack of luck on Caelum's side. Having checked out his army just now I can see that.
And based on what I saw... I'm getting the feeling that Arco and Marignon really did send all their gems most of the time to him. I can't explain how he has so much magical infrastructure left STILL even with like 2 provinces (which are besieged) otherwise. 25 gems from globals + 5 from your cap isn't that much, especially when you'd need to alchemize the Earth and the Air gems for Astral.
And now WonderLlama, your remains of the "alliance of good" really has gone to new lows - you're using blood slaves yourself. ;p
How do you explain THAT?