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Old November 16th, 2007, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players

WonderLlama said:Arco sent me his blood slaves when he went out. I'm not really sure where he got them. I guessed maybe he took them from an abyssian commander in battle, though I'm not sure if that's possible.
Nah, it's not possible. Could've been an event, though. I doubt he got them through blood hunt considering you were the "good guys". ;p

As far as coming out of the castle goes, I was planning on it originally, but then I discovered my fountain can't even patrol/ break siege. Somehow I though I had patrolled with one before. So that was a nasty surprise. Can't see myself breaking out without it.
Yeah, I knew you would probably not come out there, which is why I tried to force the issue, fully aware that I was going to probably lose. The extent of the loss, however, was a bit of a bummer - only like 10 mages (luckily they were the guys that mattered) survived. On a positive note, I have a LOT of cash to spend now!

All in all, I think if you ever showed up outside your home, your guys would die in an insane barrage of spells. So that place's probably the safest for you until your dominion runs out. ;p

But if that's all you... How the *beep* have you gotten hundreds of astral gems and a bunch of others while pretty much under siege? That makes no sense.
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