Re: Invisible Swarm 2 - recruiting
Vile Squid Invasion!
dateline: the cephalopod infested seas
ask not what your mind can do for you; ask what you can do to preserve your mind against the uncanny power of the squids from beyond space!
Following a relatively peaceful promenade of our capital territories, the sanity-hating denizens of r'lyeh viciously attacked a happy ermorian picnic. vast was the slaughter of innocent defenseless undead horsemen - may their names be remembered for all eternity.
Threatened from the seas, Ermor now stands as the primary bastion of all that is truly decent, against the vast power of absolute ickyness.
Call for aid: any freedom loving nations capable of forging water-breathing items please contact the nearest ermorian cultural delegation.
"better dead than smelling like fish"