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Old November 20th, 2007, 03:19 PM
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Default Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players

Well, I had a good run. After that last turn, I'm ready to go AI. You hit me very hard with those fireballs. I was going to put up several redundant domes next turn, but I figured this turn all your spells would be going after my invading army.

It's your call though. I'm fine with trying to hold off a few sieges if that's fun for you all.

Either way, good game.

Oh, and as promised, my secret. I was up to about 50 clams. All those scout decoys that never worked as decoys had them. Maybe you figured that out. Those fire spells killed most of them though. I made them using Ice Crafters who had been empowered with nature. So they were half price. And I must have used about 20 wishes, mostly on gems. So I was in no danger of not being able to finance that. I was just about to wish for armageddon 5 turns in a row, which I figured would end blood hunting and bring you all down to my income level. But you got me too soon. Probably nothing shocking on what I did, but I didn't want to tell you about just how many scouts I had with pearls lest you go after them.
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