I would like to take the time for some messages =)
First of all to Llamabeast : THANK YOU FOR YOUR HOSTING!
The service was wonderful and you were very present when problems arised ! a really plus
Thank to all other players that contribute to make this game so exciting , in particular :
Sensori which was my allie for the most part of the game and from whom i've learned a lot
To the 'forces of good', Marignon+Arco+Caelum that really made the game interesting and helped me improve my skills a great deal to survive your onslaught

To Wonderllama a particular note for being a worthy adversary ^_^
Eldanesh who was a friend in the beginning of the game and only due to war with my other allie ended up out of the game
For the other players i didn't have much contact with u.. hope to play other games though and meet u there!