BigandScary said:
I just want to clear up a few things. When I invaded you WonderLlama, it was because of and alliance I formed with Abysia and R'lyeh at about turn 40, mabye earlier. In this game, other than mabye Arco and Marignon(I didn't have much contact with them at full strength so I don't know) I was the weakest nation in this. it was my job to invade Caelum's and Marignon's northern borders when I did, mainly to draw their troops north, away from the real fighting. And I have to say WonderLlama, your army was impressive...41 caelian seraphs. Good stuff.
Thanks for a great game, especially to my ally fabio80mi and my greatest ally Sensori.
And thank you llamabeast.
Oh yes, I understand. I'm not upset about it. I'm just saying that was my strategy. I was hoping I could send you back to being neutral, in your own self-interest. Wasn't bitter. But since your self-interest was for the alliance to win, not for yourself to end up relatively strong, that didn't work for me. Well, that and you held up way better than I expected.