PyroStock said:
1>Dispossessed spirits have 1 life & a paralyze weapon. I have a dispossessed spirit with 3 life. No mods. I've never casted Gift of Health & that's only +100%max anyways. I believe mass regeneration would only give +1life if a 2life unit was wounded. I don't think their paralyze weapon includes life steal. It's probably something obvious I've overlooking, but how is this possible? Edit: Maybe their Gift of Health + Heal and then I used Control Undead?
2>Post-battle item acquisitions. A random unit is selected to pick up an item, but has no open slots therefore is it:
a>reroll to another unit or
b>item is not picked up.
Follow-up question, I presume commanders summoned in battle, like from soul trap, don't hurt the odds of obtaining items, but is anyone sure?
3>Are the magma spells considered only earth spells since earth is the primary path or are they fire & earth (does rain hinder them)?
4>Which spells cannot target underwater provinces? I know some cannot be casted while underwater, but does that also always mean they cannot be cast against an underwater province?
1) At 4 experience stars the unit/commander will receive +2 hitpoints. Insignificant for huge units of 100+ hitpoints yet useful for the units with few hitpoints.
2) I don't think any knows... I imagine only with testing could the truth be known.
3) The magma spells are considered only earth related... unless the devs have a special programming hook.(unlikely)
4) I don't believe anyone has a list for rituals which only work on underwater provinces. One of the hardcore MP gamers might have a list.