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Old November 28th, 2007, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: MA ULM: expanding your dominion

Sombre said:
There's no quick and dirty trick to getting better dominion, but if you always find yourself out of your dominion it might be that your domstrength is actually too high - if it is only 5 candles or something it only needs to fill those 5 before it will spill over into other provinces, whereas with domstrength 10 it takes longer to fill up each province radiating from your cap.
Let me just point out now that this is totally inaccurate. The chance of a "dominion spread" raising your dominion in a province is only 30% - 3%X(Current Dominion Level). So, usually your dominion will spread. Now, keep in mind the chance of CREATING a dominion spread is 10%X(Max Dom Strength). I did some math with excel and odds of creating a spread are ALWAYS better with higher max dominion, even if the procinve in question is already at max dominion strength.

Keep in mind higher dominion makes it harder for enemy dominion to diminish your dominion, and higher max dominion gives you better odds of reducing enemy dominion.

On another note, invading another nation means fighting an enemy dominion. Its the way of the world. To speed up the process of pushing your dominion into newly conquered lands, lots of cheap indies is the order of the day.
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