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Old November 29th, 2007, 12:32 PM
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MartialDoctor MartialDoctor is offline
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Default Dominion Acolytes - Beginner TCP/IP (Sat. Evening)

Hey all,

I figured I'd see if anyone is interested in playing in a TCP/IP game on Saturday evening. I would like to keep it to those who haven't played online or have only played a few online games... but anyone who feels they would fit in are welcome to join.

Map will be decided once I see how many are interested... I'm looking for between 6 - 8 players but, if there is enough interest, I wouldn't have a problem with more.

We will start the game at 9:30 PM EST (GMT -5:00) and go until around 12:30 AM or 1:00 AM EST.

I don't expect the game to be finished by then. We can finish the game either the next Saturday or on another day if everyone is in agreement on the day and time.

I will keep all the settings on default except for Independents, which I will switch to 6.

I think that using IRC will be the best for all of us to meet up, so please ensure that you have an IRC client downloaded. Here is a posting with some links of clients:

Alright, well I'll start by claiming T'ien Ch'i.

MartialDoctor - T'ien Ch'i
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