Lord_Bob said:
Edi said:
Nice hypothesis, but I do not like the way you state it as if it were a confirmed fact when it is unknown, especially the part about testing it. As far as I know, nobody has asked Johan about that. So let's stick to the actual, verified observations and known facts, shall we, and mark speculation clearly as such.
Lord_Bob said:
Yes. And this does two things that could trigger the Scale Bug.
Like last time, you simply make things up when facts are lacking. I suggest you state your speculations clearly as such.
I would very much like to know what I'm making up, so would you please tell me? I have not made definite statements of fact about the cause of the scale bug other than remarking that it must be in some way tied to scale mechanics, with some qualifications as to possible options. You, on the other hand make a conditional statement, then followed by a statement of fact about Illwinter not testing things properly, which is what I criticized you for.
Lord_Bob said:
Does this get me banned again?
No, not this. No reason to ban you over this. I do not understand this attitude you have that you expect to be banned simply because a moderator disagreed with what you said in this thread. I think the last time Mindi explained things to you in her email and as far as I'm concerned, that is past history. It has nothing to do with this thread.
Cause of scale-loss bug found!
That was the thread title at one point, what is the relevance? Turned out poptypes was not the answer and vfb seems to have solved the root cause of the problem, which turned out to be not directly related to scale mechanics, but province neighbors and some Dominion mechanics instead.
Lord_Bob said:
I can't find you're straight-shooting on this thread either. In the same way you allow some to bully others and force others to be insulted without fighting back, you are also hypocritical on your criticism.
In this thread? What are you on about? I made a statement that said we should stick to verified facts when making statements of fact and not state speculation as fact, so where is the hypocrisy? I would also very much like to know where I have let someone bully someone else during my time as a moderator. I would very much like to see that.
Lord_Bob said:
This isn't surprising, because on Post #478170, #478218, #478509 where you pretty much break all your supposed moderating "rules". Guidelines would be more accurate.
So, you went all the way back to the Vanheim/Helheim thread from November 2006 so you would have something to stick between my ribs? That would work, if it was relevant to this thread, which it is not. From my point of view, this is seriously starting to look like a personal vendetta on your part, though I have no way of knowing for certain.
For your information, I was made a moderator of the forums on the 27th of February, 2007, with instructions from the admins to take care of organizing the bug listing and managing bug reports. Since then, the scope of my moderation duties has grown somewhat, but not appreciably. My other forum roles (the DB and related things, mostly) I had even before that. It just so happens that when someone is made a moderator, the change is in their user profile, which turns the name black even in posts made before becoming a moderator. As far as the Helheim thread itself goes, there is a moderator forum thread from that period where my fellow moderators and administrators discuss whether they should whack me with a big stick or not. They decided not to when the thread calmed down.
In case you are wondering, there are no grudges between me and NT Jedi and we have a cordial relationship on the forum. I actually find many of his bug-related posts insightful and he's an expert with the map commands.
If you can find any examples of similar conduct to the Van/Hel thread on my part past 27th of February 2007, I'll be happy to present them to the administrators myself. If I ever pulled out the stops like that now that I'm a moderator, I can assure you I wouldn't be one for very long. These days, if a situation like that or one that could lead to something like that presents itself, the first thing that I do is discuss it with the other moderators so that it can be dealt with properly.
Does this answer your concerns adequately?