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Old December 1st, 2007, 11:50 AM
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Default Re: Remaining numbers


Replaced 142 by 149 when updating Greyhawk mod for 3.10 to avoid name conflict. Get the crash (spent one day to figure what caused it....).

Then replaced 149 by 143, I could create games.
Then tried 148 to see if I could avoid names conflict without having the crash, re-crashed.

It may be caused by something else in my mod but it may only be related to nametypes as I've only changed nametype number the two last times (perhaps because I used only one #addname in the section, to give the name "hero" to all heroes already named in unit names ; but it worked before 3.10).

edit : it's not that, 149 crashes with "hero" and "herobis", and I still have crash at game creation if I replace it by 148.
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