Thread: Mod Nation: Githzerai
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Old December 1st, 2007, 10:43 PM
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Default Re: Nation: Githzerai


Gah, I have to add this to the MEGAMOD. /me hopes for more nation slots.

A few comments:
* English not your first language? I'd be happy to proof this for you.
* Zen archers should be blind. The arrow knows the way.
* Go ahead and make the Psion AS (rather than the random), and give him glamour right out of the box.
* Stuff is too expensive, granted that you've given them some nice powers. Position is therefore underpowered.
* Should the Zerain maybe be Sacred?
* Consider: Inertial Blast (a magic javelin, has a glowing blue bolt as a graphic)?
* Consider: Deflect Arrows - a high parry shield with a prot of 0, can deflect arrows but doesn't actually make them tougher in melle. Monks can deflect arrows with their BARE HANDS, after all.

They'd still be somewhat overpriced (except for the archers, which are fine as-is).

Compare to equivalent Pythium units - yes, these guys all have stealth and a high MR, but most people don't pay a per-unit price premium for that, and Pythium gets hydras and other sexy things. If you stopped charging them resources entirely, these prices might be reasonable, but since they *do* pay resources for their inertial armor.... I need to compare their stats and armaments more carefully, but the Kentoka should be 10, the Zenteka (and other units who have a single minor advantage over the Kentoka, like a stat boost or a weapon) should be 12-15.

The Dai-Zerain is too expensive as-is. Go ahead and give him astral-4.

Thanks for the nice mod.
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