No, English is second language. Spelling or grammar?
Blind archers ... sounds funny.
I don't think, that a unit with that much attacks and a good defence be sacred ... okay, they could still be reasonably countered by arrows, unless you also add air bless, but imagine 9 attacks per square + 3 charge attacks, at 13,13,11,(11) with flaming weapons and quickness.
Inertial Blast ... Like Hadoken?
Deflect arrows ... okay, I just checked back to the "excited about next patch" thread - so, it is true, that in ranged combat shields just deflect the hit? I had other impressions both with high damage ranged attacks (Jotun Boulders) and shielded unarmored targets (Lion Tribe Infantry) - so it was only a bad impression. Well, I guess, I can add that in
The Dai-Zerain is an Assasin, no ritual caster (and it's late age anyway, no need for a level 4 path). ... But I could make him a bit cheaper - still, he should better be more expencive then a bane spider.
Aezeal: About Nature: Well, Inspiration went a far way, and I thought, they should summon spirits. Japanese seams to have lots of words for spirits, ghosts and such a stuff and without any further knowledge I wanted to use some. Add to this the Ying-Yang Dualism, I thought that not all those should be death magic, some need to be life-spirits and I thing they should be represented by nature.
PS: Oh, Btw, I appologise by all Japanese people reading this for the ab-use of their words.