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Old December 3rd, 2007, 10:59 AM

solo solo is offline
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Default Re: Rehosting the second turn

everz said:
I lost a temple and a fort in past two turns, due to random events. This turn the vampire count visited my richest province and blocked the way from my capital to the front line. Now I'm thinking of where Bogus is. Perhaps he will visit my capital next turn.

To solo:
I guess you have organized a huge amy around your captial? Then I'm coming. I'm just tired of this game and want to see the end.
I guess you're right! We welcome a visit by your demons, but don't give up hope, as it is still early in the game and you still have the advantage in these early battles.

Better yet, we should make peace as we are now even and prepare together for the evil onslaught to come by Dr. P.
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