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Old December 4th, 2007, 07:27 AM

FrozenFalcon FrozenFalcon is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

Deciding on the map:
Niarg's opinion: go for relatively small map
DonCorazon's : same
Zeldor's: WoG
Networkingguru's: WoG would get boring in the end
FrozenFalcon's: Anything goes

Now, that's just five opinions of the eleven, but we just have to presume that the others are ok with our choice. So would some who knows about existing maps tell me, if there are any balanced 15-20-provinces per player maps for this many players (assuming we wait for the twelfth player)? I think it would be a good compromise, since Zeldor doesn't want a very small map and others dont like it very big. We can play WoG some other time.

And I'm sorry if my opinion of the map seems changy, but that just is because I don't really have an opinion.
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