Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)
(^O^)/ Hajimema****e! Nosa desuu~
I am a 19 yearold student studying animation. Fear me, I forget no detail! (*smile*)
I just picked up this game so I am a new, and sadly the computer always kills me.
However! Since finding this foro I have not died so hard lately (There was many things I did not know what they did. Example: Bless, I thought it was automatic give to all troops, not just sacred who was blessed) and knowing what is really good (or bad) and should (not) be used is helpful also. (Production/Sloth Scale talk is interesting)
MP seems more good though because, unlike the PC people may not attack if you ask not to~ so I look forward to my first MP game (Be nice ^^; I die easy)
But do not be mistaken! If you hurt my beloved people living inside my country, I will yell "Shinjimae!" and see that your country will burn, and your weakly pretender has his blood boil!
Now I just must wait for the game to arrive from Amazon so that I can input a real key. (No patch and MP ability makes the game... Not as good) I'm dieing from the wait. (only 3-5 more days)
minna-san ni au no o tanoshimi ni shimasu!
PS: I am in the mIRC chat often, if needed you can find me over there.