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Old December 5th, 2007, 11:15 AM
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Default Re: Priests and LA Ermor

Sombre said:
I think LORD BOB MIGHT HAVE A POINT but he behaves like SUCH A TOOL no-one is going to LISTEN TO HIM!!111!!11!

Think about how MANY UNDEAD LA Ermor might have by TURN 45 it MIGHT be like 10k or so THAT'S OVER 9000!!!11!!1!!11!11!!eleven
Sombre said:
Lord_Bob said:
What's odd is I see much ruder behavior daily. WHO you are must effect WHAT is rude.
There is a general consensus on this forum that you're an odious little troll. So as for ruder behaviour,.. well I can't think of anyone else so unpopular on these forums. Regardless, I don't really mind trolls. What I feel compelled to mock is the way you act like whatever you're ranting about is SUPER DUPER CEREAL. It kills me it really does.
Sombre, you're seriously out of line with both of those quoted posts, so pipe down unless you like being oppressed. I have no qualms dishing that out all around if this thread goes down the tubes and comments like those are a sure way to put it there. The quoted posts there are nothing BUT flamebait and we have rules against that sort of thing. Don't do it again. This is a formal warning.

Lord_Bob, one of the previous comments about honey being a better attractant than vinegar is spot on, so could you please adopt a more civil tone? You have a style of posting that seems to aggravate many users and a way of declaring opinions as facts, which further alienates some people. So a bit calmer, please?

I would also ask that if you think something is bugged, post about it in the bug discussion thread and we can hash that out. If new issues crop up or issues which cause compound problems, I will not know about them beforehand, but there were several statements by you about bugs in this thread that aren't as clearcut as you may think.

Lord_Bob said:
This statement indicates you are another ra-ra Dominions player. A mage killing 3 undead per turn is not great. It is pathetic. It is so pathetic that there are no words to describe it's patheticness.
This again falls into the out of line category of posting. Especially since this particular insult to VedalkenBear was completely unprovoked, he was trying to help you. So kindly tone it down.

If this thread doesn't start cleaning up and calming down on it's own, I'm going to shut it down and if it comes down to that, the people dishing out any follow-up oppression will have user names in white letters.