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Old December 5th, 2007, 01:11 PM

carlosib carlosib is offline
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Default Re: Opossum - Game for new/newish players (recruit

Thanks Zylithan!
I managed to play my turn (barely). The bad news is this computer has no 3D capabilities so i cant watch the battles. That's a mayor problem in a game like this when i'm spending almost 2 hours giving orders to each of my 50+ mages individually...not knowing how things worked isnt much fun.
So i ask for a final favour, would it be possible to delay the hosting of this turn until sunday 18:00?
That would give me the chance to get home and be able to watch the battles i missed in this last 2 turns.
That would be the last request i make, i promise
Thanks everyone in advance and for being patient with me
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