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Old December 5th, 2007, 03:00 PM
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Edratman Edratman is offline
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Default Re: What races does the AI play best?

I would say EA Mictaln is by far the worst, which is what Tichy said. It self destructs in 5 turns or less for lack of dominion at least 25% of the time. If it makes it past that point, then it does okay. The next worst is Caeleum, all ages, which has trouble expanding virtually all the time.

In my experience Atlantis, Ulm and Pangea, both EA and MA ages, are nations it plays pretty well on a consistent basis. It also does quite well with all nations having recruitable giants.

Other than that the other nations seem to be pretty uneven.

All AI nations also seem to be better when you play 300 gold and 300 resource settings. These help you, but it seems to help the AI expand much more than it helps you. Also if you set indies to a low number the AI expands better and thus is tougher.

I cannot comment on LA because of limited experience.
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