Re: Priests and LA Ermor
You are actually being polite. It really is not that hard telling the difference between real politiness and "I'm-So-Much-Better-Than-You" fake politeness.
People aren't interest in discussion, that's why they say "use Archers" against Quickened Van Calvary and Skeletons with Tower Shields. Yes, archers are the natural counters to Calvary and units with large shields. I'm simply the first person aggravated enough to tell them they are saying nonsense, and maybe they should let people actually discuss facts for a change.
All debate has stopped. Things like giving Patala/Bandar Log/Kailasa 5 Melee Markata per PD point and a Mage and +3 Melee Markata after 20 should illicit a yawn from players. Most players wouldn't even notice. But it would make Patala playable. And I get an extreme reacion even though everyone agrees monkey PD is horrible.(The PD's own archers kill the melee markata till they route. Once the melee markata route, all units most make morale checks every turn. Everyone routes fairly soon.)
I'm not saying races should be balanced. Forget that. Certain concepts, like LA Ulm, are going to have trouble because the Concept is weaker. LA Ermor is a rock solid Concept. It's going to be strong. It should be strong. BUT. Things like making the castle skeletons stronger than normal soldiers and giving them 14 MR! is extremely problematic. That 14 MR doesn't JUST apply to banishment, you know. And then the Dusk Elders have access to SIX! paths of magic. AND Independent Shamans give Ermor access to SEVEN paths! And then they get Darkness at Alteration-6.
Some nations should be weak, and some nations should be strong, but this should be kept within certain limits.