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Old December 5th, 2007, 05:35 PM

VedalkenBear VedalkenBear is offline
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Default Re: Priests and LA Ermor

Bob, I resent the implication that I am not _really_ being polite to you. If I am not interested in discussion, then may I ask how you explain that I have responded to each of your posts, and tried to carry on a dialogue with you which, to be frank, has at times seemed pointless.

And the castle undead have 10 MR. Now they might get +4 MR when they get buffed, but to get that buff they have to _fail_ a MR of 6 or higher.

For the record, I said 'Use Archers against LE Ermor', because Ermor has a lot more unshielded undead than shielded undead. However, you tend to narrow each situation for the sole purpose of being able to dismiss another person's advice.

If you don't want to state publicly who you are playing (for whatever reason), you can always privately message us for advice. You have us flailing in the dark here regarding the best ways to help you, and instead of enlightening us you seem to be taking a perverse delight in the fact that we suggest general solution, when the reason we cannot offer more specific solutions is because you will not give us the information we require for those solutions.