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Old December 5th, 2007, 05:57 PM

VedalkenBear VedalkenBear is offline
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Default Re: Priests and LA Ermor

Lord_Bob said:
And this is exactly what I'm talking about. Right here.
Oh, this should be good. </sarcasm>

And how exactly do you build those 40 H1 independent priests without temples?
You misunderstood me, all throughout this post, and I am going to explain why. I am saying that you have 40 priests. Your contention is that except against LE Ermor, they are UTTERLY USELESS (your emphasis). I pointed out that if any other nations use Undead (and I can think of three offhand in the LE), they are not useless. Nor are they useless if you have to build temples (which is what your response above was to). Or if you need to preach for whatever reason.

I gave a construction time of 8-10 turns for 4-5 temples. Eight to ten turns is an extremely long amount of time, and if anything my number is less than the actually required temple numbers.
Quite possibly. However, you seem to fail to grasp the fact that gaining priests and temples to fight LE Ermor is generally considered a good strategy.

While real, this is an extremely limited case, as I'm sure you know.
Oh? Even aside the temperature issues, I can think of any number of reasons I'd want to fight in friendly dominion as opposed to hostile dominion. I'm sure you know this.

I said they cost 50 gold. No Mage-Priest in the game, even Mictlan Blood Priests, cost 50 gold and can be built only from a temple. So I'm glad you deliberately misunderstood me so you could "assume" another point to your answer.
I didn't 'misunderstand'; I agreed with you. You mentioned '50g per priest', and I mentioned that I assumed that they were not mages and so did not have 'magey' issues. However, if you are going to take that comment as a chance to 'needle' you, you underestimate both my willingness to help you _and_ my intelligence. Believe me, if I wanted to insult you, I could do so without being so stupid about it.

As I said.
Actually, what you said was that they were UTTERLY WORTHLESS (again, your emphasis) against any nation but LE Ermor, when any number of LE nations use Undead.

So we have willfull misinterpretation, repetition of points I already mentioned, and apparently failure to understand that priests require a temple to be built.
I repeat your points when I agree with them, as most people do. I did not misinterpret anything you said. And I quite well understand the mechanics of the game. That's three insulting comments _in one sentence_ from you to me.

I doubt there is a player in the game who would like to sacrifice his capital-only Late Era mages in order to build an H2 priest. You know this.
Yes, I know this. And how many of those capital-only mages are also your H2 Priests? I can think of several. Also, I'd like to ask you exactly how worthwhile those capital-only mages are if you die because you didn't have enough priests?

Castle H2 priests, though rarer, only require a castle and a temple to build. That is 1200 gold per build site. We could easily hit 3600 gold just from the production centers required, much less the priests. For the races that have it, it works.... assuming H2 priests, boosted with items, are that great.
Why do they need to be boosted? As I've stated, several nations can have 20 H2 priests by turn 25 if they set their mind to it. From statements earlier in the thread, 1 H2 priest is better than 2 H1 priests.

Now, again, who are you playing? I would, at a guess, say Patala.