Thread: Forseti (Open)
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Old December 8th, 2007, 12:38 AM

Lazy_Perfectionist Lazy_Perfectionist is offline
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Default Forseti (Open)

Another Halls of Valhalla spawn, this one has different rules than usual, so pay attention.

The map will be Edi's version of Cradle, with all independents removed. You will be using the custom balance scales and pretender mods. Not the entire CB mod- it's not up-to-date with 3.10. Worthy heroes 1.8 will be in play. All necessary files will be uploaded in a zip later.

1 Water/7 land OR 2 Water/10 Land nations
Will result in 20per/24per OR 10per/20per
Difficult Research, strength 4 independents
Middle Era
Graphs off

There will be a lot more territory than usual, but strength four should prevent hopeless starts, and should reduce the casulties for non-bless nations, helping them to keep up with the blessers. Difficult research will be in play, and indies out, so national troops will be needed more than regular.

This game is a PBEM (Play By Electronic Mail) game that will be hosted by the Llamabeast's dedicated server. I will be administering the game. No other players can see your turn- please do not use a password on your pretender. If you do use a password, be sure to send in your last turn if defeated, and switch to AI if you have to leave.

The first turn will be 48 hours.
Every turn after that will be a thirty-turn quickhost. When enough people ask/agree to it, the timer will be extended to fifty hours.

Nations Taken/Players Joined (5/7) still open...

R'lyeh: IndyPendant OR BigAndScary
T'ien Ch'i: BigAndScary OR IndyPendant
Bandar Log: FAJ
Jotunheim: Cor2
Marignon: Aethyr
Pangaea: Parcelt
Mictlan: vfb
Man: Whollaborg
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