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Old December 11th, 2007, 12:20 PM
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Default Re: Mod idea and a request

SlipperyJim said:
Frankly, the spell modding is utterly inscrutable to me. I'm hoping that I can gain some clarity when it's time to actually start that phase of the mod.
Where spell modding is concerned, you're not the only one who's stunned by the power of the runes. I'm not going near that subject with a ten foot pole, it makes my head explode.

DrPraetorious is the preeminent spell modding expert, so if you run up against a seemingly insurmountable problem with the spells, you should ask him for help. He's also made a DB type list of all the various stuff related to spell modding which lets you see a lot of the stuff that is talked about in the modding manual. So that's bound to be useful. It requires some puzzling out if you want to tinker with stuff, but without it, one might as well be shooting in the dark.
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