SlipperyJim said:
Frankly, the spell modding is utterly inscrutable to me. I'm hoping that I can gain some clarity when it's time to actually start that phase of the mod.
I also find the spell modding to be vexing. That said, despite my continued bewilderment, I have managed to hack a rather enormous number of spells into the mod I am working on myself. So don't worry too much about your confusion. It may never completely go away, but you can do the work despite it.
A trick; 'steal' other people's spell mods and hack them into whatever semblance you want them for your mod.
Some notes I made for myself to help me understand some of the entries:
#name "Template"
#descr "Description."
#restricted 75
#school 1 -- Conjuration, Alteration, etc.
#researchlevel 0 -- Level of research required to learn this spell.
#path 0 4 -- The magic path for casting, IE: fire, water, etc.
#pathlevel 0 3 -- Level of the caster required for casting.
#fatiguecost 1000 -- Every 100 fatigue costs a gem.
#effect 10039 -- What the spell does, 10000 range are ritual spells.
#nreff 1 -- Number of units summoned for summoning spells.