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Old December 11th, 2007, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: Mod idea and a request

I only want the dwarven commanders (specifically the smiths) to reduce dominion. Once I get the trick down, I might expand it to other commanders ... but I doubt I'd have regular troops do it! I agree that such a thing could get extreme in a hurry, especially on recruitable troops.

(Yes, Juggernauts spread dominion ... but they're a very high-end summon.)

I suppose I could copystat the Pythium heretic, but then I'd lose the darkvision that I got by copystatting the "vanilla" dwarven smith. Hmmm ... decisions, decisions.

On the subject of spells: My main goal is to create a bunch of nation-specific summons, which seems like it should be pretty easy. However, I was also thinking about some battlefield spells. For example, I'd like to mod a "crystal healing" spell, an upgraded version of Blade Wind, and a "Crystal Soldiers" troop buff.

I think I might be able to puzzle out some of these on my own. Let me give it a shot, and I'll let you know if I can't get anywhere.

Since y'all are in such a helpful mood, let me fire off another question: How could I mod a site to allow free scrying? I know there's already a site that does it, so it should be possible. But is it moddable? It would be very cool to have the Crystal College serve as a scrying site....
More Trollz mod for Dom3
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