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Old December 11th, 2007, 08:36 PM

Digress Digress is offline
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Default Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)

I have come down with something too - bleh.

While the Skaven welcome disease in all its guises Clans Moulder and Pestilens claim to have no role in either the creation or dissemination of the current outbreak.

Skavenblight appears to have run out of space (and pushed unrest up perhaps a little high ) in which to harvest the blood slaves required to spawn replacements for its army.

We continue to consign Ulm's greatest mages to the grave in feats of mindfrying brilliance (though my prophet got fried simultaneously this turn). Their armies continue forward in slow and somewhat disjointed steps grinding us further into the dust.

As for Man - well you best ask them about their continued campaign.
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