While I can't fault Aapeli for waging war against me now I was just wondering what is the normal etiquette for this.
As he mentioned, we were good allies beforehand, and now he takes over a nation that is invading mine. This annoys me somewhat, since I can't exactly make him forget what I have told him about my tactics or what he knows of my troop depositions and strategies. You just can't RP that well
Ahem, as for the dangerous nation of Man...
We think the nation of Patala is even more terrifying! Why... Their two major neigbours went 'poof' with nary a sword being drawn, while the glorious nation of Man has gotten to where it is by blood, sweat and steel. Yet honest blood and steel is no match for the terrifying magicks and summons that would soon be unleashed by the empires that have not been touched by pvp turmoil.