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Old December 13th, 2007, 02:12 PM
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Default Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u

That came out of nowhere!

Yes, Arco and Jomon are falling. Arco was peaceful, and Jomon was an ally. Now I find myself fighting off unexpected attacks from them. There has been a lot of very rough fighting. It's not like fighting a normal AI. The troops were all bought by players, with lots of mages, and intelligent research. Plus, I haven't even been taking advantage of it. I have 4 of Arco's lands. That's all. Friendly relations depend on balance. I've taken effort to make sure my neighbors have reasonable numbers of provinces. Man hasn't, so it's not really surprising that there is more war in the north.

My advice to you is to give away a large chunk of your territory to your smaller neighbors, Caelum and Atlantis. Perhaps then you would be right that I am the biggest threat. Until then, they really have little choice but to defend themselves against the giant with a history of engulfing the little guys. Try to look at it from the perspective of others.
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