Xietor said:
It was not wise to let LA Ermor keep Well of Misery up. I asked all the clammers to dispel but none seemed too concerned by it.
I was thinking of trying to overwrite it with 350 d gems. How many did you have in it Velusion?
Like 90

(thats a reinforcement of 10)
Soulgate had a reinforcement of like 50.
The key is to cast them during the rare times that something was dispelled or removed (due to being killed).
I had about 600 fire gems I was saving to overcast purgatory so it couldn't be used against me (once I hit 999 and had a level 10 or 11 fire mage).
I was negotiating with my allies about putting Utterdark up (I always had 600 death gems in the bank). Every water province I got immediately got turned up to 200 taxes (and left there) so I had 15K gold sitting around that last turn.
All that said... I bet LA R'lyeh's gem income was giganto-normous. 2 wishes a turn for more gems from the clams I'm guessing? I bet his gem income was 3x-5x mine. He had to be sittign on 100K Gold in the bank as well.